Monday, May 28, 2012

Study Guide: The Temple of shamanic Witchraft

Study Group Questions:

  1. What traditions does the author use to build this book? Discuss how the different Traditions influence the practices and lessons in this book.

  2. Define the Role of a Modern Shamanic Witch in society.

  3. Describe different methods a shaman might use to enter an alter state.

  4. Ritually, why is working in a sacred space beneficial? Discuss techniques used to establish this space.

  5. What are some of the guiding principles of a Modern Shamanic Witch?

  6. Describe the Shadow self.

  7. What are the Three Worlds of the Shaman? Describe what they encompass.

  8. Discuss different trance postures and demonstrate them.

  9. List the tools a shaman might use. Describe how and why they are used.

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