Monday, August 6, 2012

Librarians of the Craft - Mike Mclaughlin Voices on the Path

Voices on the Path-
A Collection of Interviews

Librarians of the Craft
Mike Mclaughlin

First can you briefly tell us about yourself? 

I am a dedicated druid under the obod tradition 34,a father of 3 with 6 more that i care greatly for.

What is your profession?

I have had many but the two that have stuck is graphic design, also I am trying to teach myself web design

Any special hobbies? 

All revolving around my tradition, computers and nature

When did you begin your path?  

I have always been different, some could argue December 1996 but i didn't begin any formal learning until april 2004.

What inspired you to walk this journey?

The possibility of understanding my "differences"

Can you tell us a little about your path?

Commonly referred to as the "librarians" of the craft ... we rely alot on divination and observance to gain the answers we seek ... another common difference is the belief about sacred space. Although we sanctify the space we work in we do not believe in sacred space because all space is sacred.  

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as a normal person ... most would call me the vigilante druid of the Wasatch front ... simply i do not have the heart to let screwed up things happen to good people ... I would say I have a heart of stone ... others might say it's a size too big

Does the path you've chosen affect your profession?  

A short time ago I ended up fighting quite the epic court battle for custody of my kids ... to lose meant my soul would die. I was spared then and spared sofar recently so I have created rebirth of renaissance. 

If so, how? is my effort to self teach web design and computer programming so that I can purchase solar panels and software to design better wind / water turbines to generate power without much if any carbon footprint.

Is community important to you, or do you prefer to express you beliefs as a solitary?

I have worked in both settings ... both have their advantages and disadvantages ... I would say to work in a group one must definitely choose the right group to work with, as the craft is not about power trips nor is it about belittling anybody.

Are you associated with any organizations, volunteer work, or groups that support your spiritual beliefs?

Other than my grove, no. However I am trying to start one such organization

Would you say your path has been an easy or difficult journey?

Very difficult, but very much worth the effort i have put into it.  

Any advice for someone new to this path? 

Stick with it, it will be hard to take one's self apart and rebuild from the core. But if one ends up a better person free from almost all hate, isn't that worth it alone?

Finally, what three books would you say most influenced your path?

As a young "witchlet" I would definitely say the 21 Lessons of Merlin. second is a book called "the Way" by gawr. Last but certainly not least I would have to say the White Goddess by Graves

Best Regards,

AKA BookShelf

Also I have a storefront and auction house that are both empty on the domain ... if anyone wants to put products up there please do ... email me first though.

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