Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Study Guide: Alexandrian and Gardnerian Book of Shadows

Alexandrian and Gardnerian Book of Shadows
by Athena Gardner
Study Guide

*As a note, I have some concerns on the information in this book, and on verifying any information about the author.

  1. The book focus's on covens, and working in a group setting. What do you think the benefits of working in a structured setting would be? Do you think there would be drawbacks?

  2. One of the topics discussed is security(pg 9). How important is security in modern culture?

  3. Payment for the use of ones art is discussed on page 18. Why do you agree or disagree with this?

  4. The Wiccan Rede (pg 23) stands as a guideline of conduct. Does this rede reflect your beliefs? Why or Why not?

  5. This book reflects how certain traditions may run their coven. What guiding principal/rules do you firmly agree with? Why? Which principle do you find you could not accept. Why?

This next questions may require some research.

    6. The title refers to two different traditions in Wicca. What are the differences between these two? What are the similarities?


  1. 1. A structured setting would set guidelines with study and with rituals. It is a good thing if you agree with the direction of the group and if your voice is heard and you have some influence on things as a whole. I believe people new to this kind of thing would benefit greatly from this. More experienced and solitary people would have a harder time fitting in and following set guidelines.

    2. Security is extremely important especially n today's technological landscape. One must take care to ensure their identity and other personal information is kept safe and secure. As far as physical security I don't believe this has changed much. Common sense keeps most of us safe and secure.

    3. If somebody is willing to pay you for the use of your skills/talents or products and you are comfortable with this I don't see any problem with it. It comes down to your own personality and beliefs and the comfort level of all parties involved.

    I cannot answer 4.5.6 at this time.

  2. Thanks for sharing. I would love to know other opinions as well.
