Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Crones Book of Magic-Study Guide

Crones Book of Magic
Valerie Worth

  1. Why and how does the term 'old magic' apply to several of these spells? Discuss which spells 'old magic refers to.

  2. Some of the authors poem list recipes. Interpret these poems and write them out as you would a recipe card Including the information on Ingredients and Instructions. Does the effect change?

  3. Choose a poem that you found particularly useful and explain how you might construct a ritual to accompany the poem.

  4. Explain how words can shape reality. Give examples.

  5. Page 34 “to Protect a Garden from Pests” and “and against Weeds in the Garden”, Would these verses have the same reaction without an action to physically remove the pests and weeds? Why or Why not?

  6. Do you believe these spells are meant to be followed exactly? Why or Why not?

  7. Create a spell or poem, whether you intend to use it or not. Begin by choosing a favorite recipe (Kitchen Witchery or herbal cure is fine). Put it to rhyme. Does the effect change?

  8. 'Against the Domestic Demons' pg 39. Read aloud then discuss the meaning of the spell and symbolism used.

  9. 'Of Poisons to beware' pg. 130-131. Rhyme has always been a useful way to remember things. Choose your favorite herb and put its purpose into at least a four line poem.

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