Saturday, July 28, 2012

Eclectic Pagan - OakMoon Coven- Jenna Morningshadow Voices on the Path

Voices on the Path-
A Collection of Interviews

Eclectic Pagan
Jenna Morningshadow - OakMoon Coven

Oakmoon Crafts: 
On Facebook:

First can you briefly tell us about yourself?
I like being different... I like being me! 

What is your profession?
Uber-well trained retail monkey. I am an operations manager for PetSmart 

Any special hobbies?
Playing with my fur-babies.

When did you begin your path? What inspired you to walk this journey?
It was 1996-ish. I was able to finally hang out with some friends (of whom my x did not want me to hang with), I was in a ‘poor me, why does life keep shitting on me’ state of mind and my friend asked me why I am not taking responsibility for my own actions... in my relationships AND in my own life. I guess I had never thought of things in that perspective- that ‘I’ was in control of my own destiny and that ‘I’ was responsible for my happiness. I learned later that this was the basis of a religious belief that did not revolve around good or evil, but around our actions and how we interacted within our own lives/environment.

Can you tell us a little about your path? How would you describe yourself?
Ordained by the Universal Life Church in 1999. I describe myself as Eclectic Pagan as I have found that I am inspired by god/desses of many denominations.

Does the path you've chosen affect your profession? If so, how?
I was in the proverbial ‘broom closet’ for many years until my job pushed the issue of having no work availability on Sundays (for 16 years). This was due to needing the time to practice & running a coven of my own. For awhile a religious accommodation was allowed. Just recently, new upper management has decided to revoke my accommodation request and I have since then been forced to work Sundays and have had to close our group because of it. I used to think that I was in the pet profession because I loved animals, but now my outlook on it is somewhat jaded.

Is community important to you, or do you prefer to express you beliefs as a solitary?
I had spent many years as a solitary and it was comforting. When I had the opportunity to share with those of like minds, I was able to grow in my spiritual self. I can see the merits/flaws of each.

Are you associated with any organizations, volunteer work, or groups that support your spiritual beliefs?
I am currently circling with a wonderful group from our local Universal Unitarian Church.

Would you say your path has been an easy or difficult journey? Any advice for someone new to this path?
I have always been headstrong and independent, so learning & practicing something that felt ‘right’ to me was never a hard thing. What is hard is when you have to explain to someone your path when they fear and misunderstand the very foundations of your belief system. Dealing with the work situation has been very frustrating. How does one balance your 1st amendment freedom to practice your sincerely held religious belief when at the same time you have do what your job asks to be able to pay the mortgage?

I invite you here to share any information you find important that we may have missed in our questions. Educational Background- I always find demographics interesting & over the years have found that there are many teachers in the craft. While I work retail, I do hold 3 degrees and am working on a fourth. We are generally an intelligent & well educated people.

Finally, what three books would you say most influenced your path?
The Spiral Dance: a Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess by Starhawk. Raymond Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft (fondly referred to as Uncle Bucky’s Big Blue Book), and Phyllis Currott’s The Love Spell: An Erotic Memoir of Spiritual Awakening


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