Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Stay at Home Mom/Eclectic Pagan - Angi Beck Voices on the Path

Voices on the Path-
A Collection of Interviews

Stay at home Mom/Eclectic Pagan
Angi Beck

Email: ftmof4@gmail.com
Facebook: Angi Beck
First can you briefly tell us about yourself? What is your profession? Any special hobbies?

I am a stay at home mother of 4, ages 16, 14, 11, and 9. I am in school full time to become an Accountant, with 14 more classes to go to a Bachelor's degree. I am an avid reader and scrapbooker.

When did you begin your path? What inspired you to walk this journey?

I began my path after a Sociology class where I did a paper on religion. This was about two years ago. I realized that I did not want to associate myself with the Christian faith anymore due to their history of violence and hate. I found Paganism better suited most of my needs, and my mother has always told me that I am a natural witch.

Can you tell us a little about your path? How would you describe yourself?

I am an eclectic Pagan, who has a relationship with several Greek gods and goddesses.

Does the path you've chosen affect your profession? If so, how?

I don't think this path has had any influence on my profession as a stay at home mom, except that the kids and I do more in nature now than we used to.

Is community important to you, or do you prefer to express you beliefs as a solitary?

I have many witch friends whom I have met through Witchvox and Facebook, but I prefer my rituals to be solitary.

Are you associated with any organizations, volunteer work, or groups that support your spiritual beliefs?

No, but I am always looking for them!

Would you say your path has been an easy or difficult journey? Any advice for someone new to this path?

It is difficult finding material telling you how to do things "right". I have learned that anything you do in this path with the basic Harm none premise in mind, is "right". Go easy on yourself and do what feels right to you, don't be afraid to ask people questions.

Finally, what three books would you say most influenced your path?

Natural Witchery, Ellen Dugan, The Intention Experiment, Lynne McTaggart, Paganism, An Introduction To Earth-Centered Religions, Joyce and River Higginbotham

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