Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bagpipe playing Celtic Druid - Tracy Thillmann Voices on the Path

Voices on the Path-
A Collection of Interviews

Bagpipe playing Celtic Druid
Tracy Thillmann

First can you briefly tell us about yourself? What is your profession? Any special hobbies?

- I am a 35 year old female living in Ottawa Ontario. I am a Registered Massage Therapist. I play the bagpipes, I love to hike, swim, sew/knit/crafts, camp, hang out with family and friends. I met my husband 12 years ago playing in a pool league.

When did you begin your path? What inspired you to walk this journey?

- I subconsciously was always walking the path but 7 years ago I randomly googled the words "pagan" and "Ottawa". Up came a site for various groups and meeting places. That same night I went to a pub moot down-town, I dragged my hubby with me and the rest is history.
- I would say I was inspired by, Nature itself. I am such an outdoorsy person and have always had a connection with Nature, through my hikes and such I could feel the energy in everything around me.

Can you tell us a little about your path? How would you describe yourself?

- I am a Celtic Druid with a Heathen bent. I am a member of the ADF (An Draoicht Fein) and am currently working my Dedicant's program that is the starting step towards clergy-hood. My matron goddess is Brighid. I was very attracted to the healing aspect of her and as an RMT I get to practice helping others, and helping them on their path of health/healing.

Does the path you've chosen affect your profession? If so, how?

- I feel my path is very important to my profession for many reasons. I know how out of balance/tune with our bodies and nature we have become. Chronic pain/injury, in my opinion, is often a result of ignoring our bodies needs for healing/rest/relaxation. We are out of tune with our natural surroundings we get so caught up in the stress of our lives that our bodies take that on. I work on a more scientific level but I do use energy when I am working to help guide me to find imbalances in the tissues of the body.

Is community important to you, or do you prefer to express you beliefs as a solitary?

- I occasionally do solitary work but community is very important to me. I was lucky enough to have a program of energy work that is taught here in Ottawa that gave me a solid base of knowledge when I started in the community. I am a very social person and find rituals very empowering when there is a group working together. In general community is a way of supporting one another, even if we walk different paths. There is meet and greet, discussion nights, brunches, and of course rituals that bring together those in the community. I find those workings very powerful.

Are you associated with any organizations, volunteer work, or groups that support your spiritual beliefs?

- I am a member of the ADF grove Thornhaven. This is where the majority of my ritual work, and spiritual connection happens. I am a graduate of and presently a staff member of the Ottawa Pagan Schola, a group that provides courses for those starting to work with energy and rituals.

Would you say your path has been an easy or difficult journey? Any advice for someone new to this path?

  • I am been extremely fortunate to have an easy journey in regards to the social/professional aspect. None of my co-workers or bosses have had an issue with my spiritual path. Unlike many I can be open about what I have experienced with those around me. My family may think I am eccentric, but they don't judge me. Spiritually, my journey has been both easy and difficult. There are times when I found it easy to connect with my gods, and be true to my spirituality. Other times, especially trying to work my Dedicant's Program I found it hard to be self-disciplined and focused to connect and work. The path I have travelled has been a great one and I have enjoyed it thoroughly and look forward to growing in my path.
- Advice I would give, find what works for you. I started out learning a Wiccan style of ritual and spirituality as that was the mainstream style easily available to learn in the area. After a couple of years I found that the Druid path was where I felt most attuned, and comfortable with. I would say that there is no one right way to do things. A good quote from someone I know was "If you ask a question of ten pagans, you will get eleven opinions". As a new person on the path this may be frustrating that there is no set dogma or one way of doing things and thus you can get overwhelmed, but take that for what it is... the ability to choose how your path will go. People will certainly give you the knowledge they have gathered but it is up to you to use it the way you want to make your spirituality uniquely yours.

Finally, what three books would you say most influenced your path.

-To be honest most of the books that influenced me in my path were fiction/fantasy vs. reference... however I would say that Dr. Brendan Myers book "Mysteries of Druidry" would be one for sure. "The Mabinogi" is another.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this. It was wonderful to work through these questions, and ponder my answers.

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