Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Vocal Artist- Sue Wolfsong Voices on the Path

Voices on the Path-
A Collection of Interviews

Vocal Artist
Sue WolfSong

 I believe that I've followed my path my whole life, but I didn't realize that anyone but my mother & I did. I don't believe that being a witch is using magik to have your own way about everything. IMHO, that's misusing it. I believe that Life is meant to be a learning experience, especially learning of our connection with everything else. Life is about serendipity, which is why I call my path Serendipitous Wicca. I only use magik to tweak something that's out of balance that needs to be brought back to where it should be. 

My mom & I always called ourselves witches because we were so psychically connected. She lived an hour south of me, but if she was awake in the middle of the night, I'd hear the ticktock of the family clock in the living room. As a kid I used to dance in circles & howl at the moon & dance in the rain. <LOL>What can we do--it's just the way we are! 

I used to meditate in the bathtub, starting out just singing syllables without meaning. Words would come and I'd end up singing the answers to my problems and other things as well. My mom passed away before I found the others in the pagan movement and I asked her if she was cool with it. These words just came in a flow. I got out of the tub and wrote it down & here it is: 


My mother & I were sisters born, but sisters of the soul were we. 
Sue was born of different womb, as anyone could plainly see.
But 'tho from different mothers come, and different ages, we remained
Sisters in our souls and minds--a fact that could not be explained!
We sang together in the storm. We danced beneath the shining moon
With arms spread wide and felt inside our thoughts and feelings, mesh, attune. 
We knew the wonderment in trees. We caught our breath with wild wind.
"Oh, wind", we smile, "don't go away!". Our eyes teared as we grinned!
'Tho not together physically as much as we would want to be,
That great connection still held fast across the miles separately. 
How to use that mind we shared--to use that power constructively?
We asked around, but never found just what that answer was to be.
She crossed the bridge some years ago, and now I know she does concur.
I feel her presence--we belong, for Witch is what we always were.
And what we'll always be! 

I've always sung even as a child (my brother & I drove my parents batty harmonizing at 6 a.m. when they were trying to sleep), and used to write songs to entertain the customers at my store (Poopdeck and Galley in Middlesex Mall, South Plainfield), but it wasn't until my husband suddenly passed away that I stood in a field, spread my arms wide and said, "What am I supposed to do now". I met Brian Van Korn the next month, the drummer with whom I recorded music and performed and who lived in my house for the next 10 years! Kismet! I am definitely owned by Brigid, who gives me my music and by Aphrodite, to whom I've dedicated my voice. I use my singing in ritual, often channeling what comes to me at the time. I enjoy most music, if it's good. Stuff that's written just to be commercial doesn't usually qualify--especially rap (although I have heard some which isn't bad)! 

Jon & I have been performing as 'Wolfsong & Jonny' (yes, we have a FB page!) for around 3 years now, but I've had some bad years health-wise. Things are getting better, though & we'd really love to find an agent, since I hate doing the self-promotion thing. Aside from the pagan stuff, we do blues/jazz and torch songs ala the WWII style. It would be fantastic if we could get a monthly gig in a nice restaurant &, of course, we're available for birthdays, weddings and bar mitzvahs! As far as weddings go, I'm legal as far as doing the hitching & we can do entertaining as well! 

One facet of my Life that I don't know how I left out is that of High Priestess. So many people don't realize that that job is NOT about being the center of attention or the star of the show, but it entails being a facilitator to allow everyone to access deity. Often, I digress from the original ritual and the words that come from my mouth are not from my consciousness & often magick happens. I am there as an instrument of the Goddess and there for her to use (as I have been in lifetimes past). 

Your questions got me to thinking of all the things I've done in my lifetime: Before getting so involved in music, I was an artist and designer of stained glass, advertising layout, retail and domestic interior design & ran a store for 17 years! I did dance & choreography, organized special events for our mall (I was VP in charge of promotions) and for my kid's schools. I organized a township wide coalition of PTA/PTO's to pressure the mayor to give the schools what they needed. I believe that that organization is still active! AND I raised four kids who turned out great!!!

Now my amazing 7 year old granddaughter, Maddie says that she's a witch, too, and I know she'll carry on the family tradition! 

And that's enough about me for now. When people ask me, "What is the meaning of Life?", I say, "Joy and the sharing of it". That's what it's all about, isn't it?

I can't specify particular books, but authors I've read and admire are Scott Cunningham, Janet Farrar (she & her then husband wrote the first book on Wicca I read) and Jennifer Hunter (who just happens to be my niece!). I also adore performing songs composed by Gwidion. 

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