Monday, July 30, 2012

Norse Student - Olaidi Voices on the Path

Voices on the Path-
A Collection of Interviews

Norse Student

Email: Private

I do a lot of volunteer work, I'm a honor roll student in the seventh grade at this point. Hobbies, well I'm a heavy gamer, avid reader, and building building my natural habitat.

I started along my path when I was about 5. My mother had a eclectic clan she was in and I would go to the meetings, most of the people there were pagan. Somewhere along the lines I met with a Nordic family and he gave me a book filled with storied of the Nordic gods. I never met the man again. I believe it was a sign that I was supposed to be Nordic. So i adopted it into what i already believed in.

I don’t know what to call myself but I'm a follower of Nordic paganism, the path has been difficult because I'm used to groups, but I've met with another Nordic man and we are talking about it.

I don’t think my religion will affect me becoming a pilot in the Air Force, but you never know.

A community is important to myself but I've been fine being solitary.

Right now no, but in the MMORPG World of Warcraft I'm in a guild called the Mystic circle were we discus are beliefs. They accept all religions. Olaidi is my user name on World of Warcraft.

The path has been difficult for me. To someone new I say talk to as many other people you can.

Three books hmmm, There’s the Rites of Odin and Nordic Gods and Heroes but other then those two I've not read many other Nordic books .

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